Soulstice of Scottsdale

End-of-life Planning & Care

Also known as a death doula or midwife, my services include providing a sacred, safe, supportive space of comfort, guidance and grace for those individuals approaching the end of this life’s journey while offering compassionate inclusion of loved ones to ease the path, wherever the person may be residing. Together, this unchartered territory can be navigated with love instead of fear.

Personalized Non-Medical Care Tailored to the Need of the Individual and Loved Ones

Who qualifies for end-of-life services

Those people who have a progressive, terminal illness

Those who have qualified or elected to voluntarily terminate living (*state laws may apply, as in cases of MAID)

Those who have entered into palliative or hospice care

Those who are elderly, frail and in declining health.

Individuals wishing to educate themselves further in the dying process and/or to provide greater supportive care to a loved one.

Provide practical, emotional and educational support

During this time of uncertainty, having an informed third party who understands and can explain the complexity of medical terminology in a direct, simple and unhurried manner can be helpful for individuals and/or their loved ones arrive at decisions they understand and feel comfortable with.

Provide the opportunity to talk openly and honestly about the dying process and advocate for the individual’s informed wishes while working in conjunction with the healthcare team.

Review of life’s achievements, regrets, happiest moments, fears, memories to pass along; consideration of legacy project.

Liaison with and between care providers, coordination with family and friends for visitation

Deep, active, unjudgmental listening so one can release their past hopes, any potential fears and desires as to how to spend their coming days can be explored and actively discussed, relayed and supported.

Honoring, respecting and including religious and spiritual concerns and rituals.

Signs and symptoms associated with nearing the end of life explained, as well as how to provide optimal comfort during this time.

Vigil Observance and Grief Processing

Providing, either in person when possible, through education and preparation by allowing for comfort care, sense of the Sacred in honoring the process of active dying, allowing for dignity and grace, as well as any wishes the individual had requested beforehand.

Follow-up to assess and provide guidance for grief processing for family/loved one(s) through direct in-person, telephone or tele-visit session.

Provision of a variety of online support networks.

Soulstice of Scottsdale

An array of resources

I work in conjunction with regional hospice facilities and outreach programs both within the community and online to provide optimal support to individuals, families, loved ones and caregivers.

Please visit my Facebook page, Soulstice of Scottsdale where you can find:

  • An array of helpful articles on related topics
  • Resources
  • Latest legislature on end-of-life care, services and interventions

About myself: I completed an intensive course through INELDA – the International End of Life Doula Association – after retiring from a diversified clinical and administrative career in nursing. My volunteer work includes over eight years of Assisted Animal Therapy with my ATD (Association of Therapy Dogs) accredited Labradoodle at various healthcare facilities and serving as a facilitator at a center for children experiencing loss of a loved one. I bring personalized care to clients in their residences tailored to their individualized needs and concerns, with respect, honor and dignity serving as the foundation of all interactions

For more information, please email


Messages will be returned as promptly as possible. No charge for telephone consultations. Referral from provider may be required in some cases.

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